Sketchup To Unity

  • SketchUp is one of the commonly used software for architecture modeling. To use a SketchUp model for visualisation in Unity, user will previously need to convert it to an intermediate format which Unity supports and use the converted format in Unity. To overcome this problem, Unity now supports importing SketchUp file directly into Unity without the need for conversion and allowing user to access certain properties withi.
  • Learn about and understand the process of bringing SketchUp models into the Unity 3D game engine. In this video, George takes a model of a simple street and saves out a SketchUp file that can be.
  1. Export Sketchup To Unity
  2. How To Export From Sketchup To Unity
  3. Import Model From Sketchup To Unity
  4. Sketchup Tutorials Youtube

Export Sketchup To Unity

Trados studio 2017 professional. I’ve been working on several projects now importing sketchup models into unity 5 for VR viewing with the Oculus Rift DK2.

Here is my basic work flow.

Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.

If you don’t know about Unity 5 then you need to get familiar with the work flows within Unity 5 first.

  1. Cut up your model into groups.
    Keep in mind that in unity a surface is not a surface as you know it in sketchup.
    In Unity you cannot select a surface for editing unless that surface is a separate group. If for example you export an entire model as a single group then in unity you can only select the entire model but not individuel parts or surfaces.
    This means you should make every surface that will get a different material into a unique group.
    This is a lot of work as normaly I would make my groups in sketchup much bigger.
    The advantages of this will become clear when in unity.
  2. Export your model in .fbx and selct the options window. Check double sided, and triangulate, export texture maps and finaly swap yz co-ordinates and use centimeters.
  3. open your project in unity and drag your .fbx file and materials folder into the unity assets window. I normally drop my .fbx file right into the materials folder, then drag and drop the materials folder into my assets folder directly in Unity.
  4. set up the options in Unity5 for VR (edit>project setting>Player and check “virtual reality supported” but not “sterioscopic rendering”)and drag your model into the working window.
  5. set up your physical colliders and add a first-person prefab from the standard assets folder. The latest version of unity automatically converts this for the Rift.
  6. set up your lighting and materials in the excellent shader in Unity5 and That’s it you are ready to view your building in minutes.
  7. When you change a group in sketchup just re-export that new group and name it apropriately. If you export it directly into your project assets file, Unity will automatically replace it in your Unity model (if the name is the same)
    This makes editing very easy but makes prep work very tedious. You should get used to naming every group very specifically (if you don’t already do this) so you can easily swap out walls window etc.
  8. enjoy the VR experience! It’s amazing how easy it is to get a feel for how big or small spaces are and which proportions will work and which not.
Sketchup To UnityExport sketchup to unityImport sketchup to unity

How To Export From Sketchup To Unity

Anydesk chrome. Notes:
Don’t relocate anything in Unity5 without considering what this will do when you re-import something new or swap out something. For example if I move my house on any axis in Unity then whatever I import from sketchup after that will no longer be in the correct position.

Hope this is usefull for someone. Truck transmission.

Import Model From Sketchup To Unity

Sketchup To Unity

Sketchup Tutorials Youtube
