Sourcetree Big Sur

Starting Tuesday, May 9th, we will be supporting SourceTree through the new Atlassian Community.

Dedicated support via Atlassian Community

In the past we focused on providing support to SourceTree users with their various setup and configuration issues via Analysing many of these resolutions, we realised that the nature of these support requests didn’t necessitate private contact and the community as a whole could benefit from this knowledge being made public. As a result, we’re dedicating our support staff to focus on offering the same support you know and love via Atlassian Community instead.

Sourcetree Big Sur

Hi, I have an issue where I have a pre-push git hook, but it is not executing when pushing via SourceTree. If I push via the command line, it executes fine, and that is copying the exact git command that SourceTree is trying to execute. I have a pre-commit hook which executes correctly from both the. Christina aguilera loyal brave true. Sourcetree for mac是 Windows 和Mac OS X 下免费的SVN、Git 客户端,同时也是Mercurial和Subversion版本控制系统工具。Sourcetree for mac支持创建、克隆、提交、push、pull 和合并等操作。. The thing with the SourceTree is that it allows syncing work and management of projects stored on Git. For instance, you can start by creating a project on Github and then connect it to your SourceTree software so that later on, when you update your code or include new code you can upload the data on Github using SourceTree.

Get involved

The additional benefit of this change is the ability for the broader SourceTree community to contribute, learn, and share their knowledge with one another. If you’re keen to learn more from the SourceTree community, take the next step and watch the collection. We’re committed to making sure you get an equivalent quality level of support via Atlassian Community, with the added benefit of your fellow SourceTree users sharing their knowledge and insight of the product as well.


It is always a bit of fraught process upgrading a computer OS, especially for a development machine with loads of tools and libraries installed. So I try to do it as infrequently as I can get away with. On Windows I generally buy a new PC rather than upgrade OS. However glitches had been reported in Easy Data Transform on macOS 11.0 (Big Sur) and I wasn’t ready to abandon my 2017 iMac, so I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade it from macOS 10.13 to 11.0.

Sourcetree big survey

The initial upgrade of OS was straightforward enough. But when I tried to run Qt Creator the CPU shot to 99% and stayed there, making the machine unusable. A glance at Activity Monitor showed that several XCode related processes were going crazy. After a bit a Googling I managed to find this magic incantation to type into the terminal on a forum post:

I was then able to rebuild my Qt-based products: Easy Data Transform, PerfectTablePlan and Hyper Plan using the existing installs of Qt 5.13.1 and Qt Creator 4.8.0.

I had to update some of the software I use: Steam prices history.

  • DropDMG
  • Beyond Compare
  • SnagIt

Annoyingly, I had to buy an upgrade of SnagIt as the 2018 version doesn’t work on Big Sur. Even more annoyingly the upgrade costs nearly as much as a new licence, which feels predatory.

Sourcetree Big Survey

The Subversion command line no longer worked from the terminal, but that was easily fixed by adding /Applications/ to PATH in my .profile.

So far I haven’t been able to get the following to work: Vegas pro 9 crack.

  • XCode
  • Hammer4Mac

XCode 10.1 falls over if I try to start it. It says that it requires additional components and then fails to install them. I may upgrade XCode at some point. But I only use the compiler from the command line via QtCreator, so it doesn’t really matter at present.

Hammer4Mac is a static website builder I use to build the PerfectTablePlan website and a couple of other mini sites. I upgraded to the latest version. It starts, but returns ‘Build failed’ for all 3 websites. No clue as to why. I Tweeted the creator, but got no reply. It appears to be abandonware. If so they should really take down the Hammer4Mac website. I guess I will use it from my macOS 10.14 laptop and then eventually do the tedious job of porting those websites to Jekyll.

Sourcetree Big Sur California


Sourcetree Big Sur Map

Hopefully I won’t have to do another major upgrade of macOS any time soon (I may buy a new Mac next time).